The mission of the Pastoral Care Department of Ochsner Rush Health is to promote spiritual health and healing through spiritual/pastoral care and support.
Our professionally trained chaplain is available to serve the whole person, body, mind and spirit, by addressing the individual needs of patients, family members, employees and volunteers.
Ask to See a Chaplain When You:
- Would like someone to pray with you or for you.
- Experience anxiety or fear about your situation.
- Experience difficulty sorting out your feelings
- Receive upsetting news
- Are faced with a difficult situation
- Experience grief over a death or loss of capacity
- Have a spiritual question
- Wish to receive anointing of oil or the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
What We Offer
- Spiritual and emotional support for patients, family members and employees.
- Compassionate and attentive listening.
- Support as you cope with illness, new diagnosis, chronic and long-term illness, life situation.
- A loving and considerate presence.
- Prayer
How We Service
- Room visits
- Chaplain office visits
- Contact with your clergy of your faith tradition at your request
Pastoral Care Volunteers
Pastoral care volunteers offer an open ear and caring presence. They are here to offer you support and information services.
The chaplain and pastoral care volunteers, together with your healthcare team, offer comfort, regardless of belief systems, traditions, ethnicity or values, and are respectful of cultural, religious or nonreligious traditions. We can also assist you by contacting clergy of your faith tradition on your behalf.
How to Reach Us
8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
- If you are a clinic patient, you can call the chaplain’s office at 601.703.9978.
- If you are a hospital patient, tell your nurse that you would like to see a chaplain. Since the chaplain is most often found making visits throughout the hospital, your nurse may be the quickest way to contact us on your behalf. Or call extension 9978 and leave a message.
After Hours and on Weekends
After hours and on weekends, the chaplain is not on-site but is on-call and available for emergency situations. Ask your nurse to contact us.