Project Inspire - Ochsner Rush Health

Project Inspire


Initially established in 2017 at the University of South Alabama, Ochsner Rush's Project Inspire is a semester long, hospital-based injury prevention program which combines trauma center exposure, mentorship and career development. Through an ongoing partnership with the Meridian Youth Court, local juvenile offenders gain unique insight into the consequences of gun violence through tours of Ochsner Rush's Trauma system - taking them from the trauma bay to the morgue. Participants complete career planning activities, such as professional development, resumé development and mock interviews. They also receive training in Stop The Bleed and participate in community service projects. Through partnering with the East Mississippi Business Development Corporation, participants will shadow many different careers throughout East Mississippi, allowing them the opportunity to explore possible options for their future. Aimed to curb violent crime among at-risk youth, Project Inspire seeks to help participants become the best version of themselves.